We take great pride in the local nature of Tasteful Delights and our relationship with the Australian postal service. As a rule, domestic deliveries should arrive within 1 – 4 working days from the time of dispatch while international orders can take up to eight business days on average.
While we calculate the cost of shipping during the checkout process of your order, please find the below information regarding shipping costs to Australia and the rest of the world:
Delivery Time Frame & Shipping Costs
Domestic Post (Covering anywhere in Australia)
Naturally, the cost of shipping will depend on the size of the order we deliver via the postal service. However, here are the general requirements as calculated using the weight and dimensions:
Small Package
Weight – 500g (Up to a maximum 22kg)
Dimensions - 35.5 x 22cm
Cost - $7.95
Medium Package
Weight - 3kg (Up to a maximum 22kg)
Dimensions - 40.5 x 31cm
Cost - $13.80
Large satchel
Weight – 5kg (Up to a maximum 22kg)
Dimensions - 51 x 43.5cm
Cost - $17.60
Standard Delivery Time – 2/4 Business Days
Small Package
Weight – 500g (Up to a maximum 22kg)
Dimensions - 22.5 x 35.5cm
Cost - $28.32
Medium package
Weight – 1kg (Up to a maximum 22kg)
Dimensions - 26.5 x 37.5cm
Cost - $43.05
Large package
Weight – 2 kg (Up to a maximum 22kg)
Dimensions - 31 x 40.5cm
Cost - $67.05
Standard Delivery Time – 6 – 10 Business Days
You can find out more about the guidelines for Australia Post here and if you should have any issues regarding delivery of an existing order, please visit our returns and refunds page.